Monday, January 25, 2016

Jack the cat and magic

I have this wonderful tuxedo cat named Jack. He's a big kitty and he's a big baby. He's spoiled and loves his creature comforts but at the same time wants to go outside and be the 'wild' kitty. My bedroom window is the magic doorway to the outside. How this happened, I don't know. All I do know is that if I'm sitting at my desk, Jack will come in and begin meowing this incessant meow that means I must open the window so he may enjoy the outdoors until it is dinner time.

Now understand that where I live in California, it has been really, really dry. Rain has been so infrequent and even if it fell, it would often be a mere sprinkle. It has been years since we have has a decent shower.This meant that even if it was raining, Jack would still go outside. To be honest, I think he enjoyed those days most of all. He would get a wild glint in his eyes and his tail would be slashing back and forth as he sprang outside.

This year has been different. Finally we have had some real rain. Long drenching of steady rain and many showers throughout the days. Then in comes Jack, meowing and meowing and without really thinking about it, I opened the window for him and sat back down. He jumps up on the bookcase to get out the window and froze. Just his whiskers were trembling slightly and he stared this way for nearly two minutes before jumping back down and sitting at my feet.

I had started laughing and said something to the effect of, well, Jack, you don't want to go out in the rain? Then he started his meowing and looking from me to the window and back to me. It took me a minute before I realized what he wanted. He wanted me to stop the rain so he could go outside. My big beautiful cat thinks I can control the weather. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or worried. lol


Sunday, July 27, 2014


You may have notices that I've been missing online for a bit or maybe you haven't. Either way I feel the need to let people know what's been going on with me. 

First, as some of you already know, I've been struggling with finances for a long time now. I was able to go to the workshop in Portland due to some special circumstances but when I got back things went rapidly downward for me. I ended up having to forgo my website due to the cost which is why I'm on Blogger now and there were several other major changes for me. However I caught a lucky break and was able to finally find a job. It's part-time work as a cashier for a big store and I was very happy to have gotten it. My schedule is all over the place however and although I only work about 30 hours a week, it feel like more because of the randomness. 

The good news is that this job is allowing me to get caught back up on the things I need to be caught up on and even letting me actually get some things for the kids that I wouldn't ordinarily be able to do. Plus (perhaps surprisingly) I love it. I actually like interacting with customers and once I got used to being on my feet all day, I find I'm looking forward to being there. 

What does this all mean? Basically I'm having to put off writing for a bit. It's not that I don't want to write but things are so stressful right now trying to adjust to working again (outside of my home) after all these years that I'm drawing a blank when I sit down to write. I'm hoping very much that I can get back to writing once things have evened out a bit. My goal is to be able to submit a story for the Random Acts of Kindness anthology. Let's see if I can make it. :)
