Sunday, July 27, 2014


You may have notices that I've been missing online for a bit or maybe you haven't. Either way I feel the need to let people know what's been going on with me. 

First, as some of you already know, I've been struggling with finances for a long time now. I was able to go to the workshop in Portland due to some special circumstances but when I got back things went rapidly downward for me. I ended up having to forgo my website due to the cost which is why I'm on Blogger now and there were several other major changes for me. However I caught a lucky break and was able to finally find a job. It's part-time work as a cashier for a big store and I was very happy to have gotten it. My schedule is all over the place however and although I only work about 30 hours a week, it feel like more because of the randomness. 

The good news is that this job is allowing me to get caught back up on the things I need to be caught up on and even letting me actually get some things for the kids that I wouldn't ordinarily be able to do. Plus (perhaps surprisingly) I love it. I actually like interacting with customers and once I got used to being on my feet all day, I find I'm looking forward to being there. 

What does this all mean? Basically I'm having to put off writing for a bit. It's not that I don't want to write but things are so stressful right now trying to adjust to working again (outside of my home) after all these years that I'm drawing a blank when I sit down to write. I'm hoping very much that I can get back to writing once things have evened out a bit. My goal is to be able to submit a story for the Random Acts of Kindness anthology. Let's see if I can make it. :)


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